Bibliographic Citation
| - Boullier Henri, Greffion Jérôme. The Politics of Industrial Transparency. Constructing a Database on the Pharmaceutical Funding of the Health Sector. Boris Hauray; Henri Boullier; Jean-Paul Gaudillière; Hélène Michel. Conflict of Interest and Medicine. Knowledge, Practices, and Mobilizations, Routledge, pp.147-164, 2021, 9780367751159. ⟨10.4324/9781003161035-7⟩
- BoullierHenri, GreffionJérôme. The Politics of Industrial Transparency. Constructing a Database on the Pharmaceutical Funding of the Health Sector. Boris Hauray; Henri Boullier; Jean-Paul Gaudillière; Hélène Michel. Conflict of Interest and Medicine. Knowledge, Practices, and Mobilizations, Routledge, pp.147-164, 2021, 9780367751159. ⟨10.4324/9781003161035-7⟩