| - Though sexual attitudes and behaviour have changed radically in Britain since the mid-nineteenth century, Sex, Gender and Social Change shows how slow, and how halting, these processes of change have been. Lesley Hall reveals how issues which were arousing concern in the 1880s and 1890s continue to manifest in different forms as we enter the new millennium. Topics covered include homosexuality, the increasing separation of sex from reproduction, the changing legal and social position of women, alterations in perceptions of (and laws affecting) marriage, concerns over sex education, anxieties about sexually transmitted diseases, and problems of censorship, as well as changes in beliefs, attitudes, and expertations. These topics are not dealt with in isolation, but are shown to be part of dense and historically specific networks of ideas and attitudes which went to make up sexual culture in Britain during a period of rapid social change. Drawing on the vast range of recent scholarship in many fields, as well as hitherto unpublished archival research, this book analyses the variety of messages about sexuality interacting at specific historical moments. Hall discusses a range of largely forgotten cases -for example, the \"massage parlours\" furore of the 1890s- and lesser-known sex reformers such as Stella Browne and George Ives. However, notorious scandals, such as the trial of Oscar Wilde and the prosecution of Radclyffe Hall's lesbian novel The Well of Loneliness, famous figures such as Havelock Ellis and Marie Stopes, and the well-known liberlizing Acts of Parliament of the late 1960s are not neglected. -4e de couv.