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| - Physics
- Physique
- Théorie quantique des champs
- Physique mathématique
- Mathematical and Computational Physics
- Mathematical physics
- Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
- Algebraic Geometry
- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory
- Elementary particles (Physics)
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum theory
- Riemann, Surfaces de
- Algebraic Topology
- Algebraic topology
- Topologie algébrique
- Modules, Théorie des
- Moduli theory
- Courbes algébriques
- Curves, Algebraic
- Riemann surfaces
- Riemann, Variétés de
preferred label
| - An introduction to Riemann surfaces, algebraic curves, and moduli spaces
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| - An introduction to Riemann surfaces, algebraic curves, and moduli spaces
| - During the second advent of string theory the ?rst edition of this Springer Lecture Notes volume appeared in 1990. There was an increasing demand for physicists to learn more about the modern aspects of geometry. In particular, for a further development of the physical theory the notions mentioned in the title turned out to be of fundamental importance. The ?rst edition was based on lecture courses I gave at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. During this time the institute was headed by Prof. Julius Wess. Indeed, it was him who convinced me to write them up. Instead of repeating everything let me refer to the Introductiontothe1stEdition whichcanbe foundessentiallywithoutchanges in this volume. For the motivation coming from the physics of these years see especially the introduction given by Prof. Ian McArthur. Clearly,in the meantime TheoreticalPhysics developedfurther. Nevert- less, the geometric concepts introduced in the ?rst edition (and even more) remain to be the very basic knowledge expected to be known by everybody working in related ?elds of theoretical physics. Consequently, the book is still in demand. But as it is out of print, the publisher suggested that I should prepare a revised and enlarged version of it. This o?er I gratefully accepted. As far as the revised part is concerned the changes are mainly due to removingtypographicalerrors,making someunclear statementsmoreprecise, smoothening the presentation, etc. It was my clear aim to keep the structure and the partly informal style of the ?rst edition
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