Bibliographic Citation
| - Ducamp Sarah, Kannengiesser Caroline, Touati Mohamed, Garçon Loïc, Guerci-Bresler Agnès, Guichard Jean François, Vermylen Christiane, Dochir Joaquim, Poirel Hélène A, Fouyssac Fanny, Mansuy Ludovic, Leroux Geneviève, Tertian Gérard, Girot Robert, Heimpel Hermann, Matthes Thomas, Talbi Neila, Deybach Jean-Charles, Beaumont Carole, Puy Hervé, Grandchamp Bernard. Sideroblastic anemia: molecular analysis of the ALAS2 gene in a series of 29 probands and functional studies of 10 missense mutations. 2011.