Bibliographic Citation
| - Eurocorr 2015, Sep 2015, Graz, Austria
- Leon Yoanna, Neff Delphine, Urios Laurent, Wittebroodt Ch., Flachet Margot, Dillmann Philippe. Corrosion of steel in Toarcian argillite in presence of mix of bacterial strains: complementarity of μRaman, XRD and FESEM. Eurocorr 2015, Sep 2015, Graz, Austria
- LeonYoanna, NeffDelphine, UriosLaurent, WittebroodtCh., FlachetMargot, DillmannPhilippe . Corrosion of steel in Toarcian argillite in presence of mix of bacterial strains: complementarity of μRaman, XRD and FESEM . Eurocorr 2015, Sep 2015, Graz, Austria