Bibliographic Citation
| - Leauthaud A., Massey R., Kneib J. P., Rhodes J., Johnston D. E., Capak P., Heymans C., Ellis R. S., Koekemoer A. M., Fevre O. Le, Mellier Y., Refregier A., Robin A. C., Scoville N., Tasca L., Taylor J. E., Van Waerbeke L.. Weak Gravitational Lensing with COSMOS: Galaxy Selection and Shape Measurements. 2007
- Leauthaud A., Kneib J. P., Fevre O. Le, Mellier Y., Refregier A., Robin A. C., Tasca L., Van Waerbeke L.. Weak Gravitational Lensing with COSMOS: Galaxy Selection and Shape Measurements. 2007
- Leauthaud A., Massey R., Kneib J . P., Rhodes J., Johnston D . E., Capak P., Heymans C., Ellis R . S., Koekemoer A . M., Fevre O . Le, Mellier Y., Refregier A., Robin A . C., Scoville N., Tasca L., Taylor J . E., van Waerbeke L. . Weak Gravitational Lensing with C O S M O S: Galaxy Selection and Shape Measurements . 2007