Bibliographic Citation
| - Maalouf Aldo, Carré Philippe, Augereau Bertrand, Fernandez-Maloigne Christine. Cooperation of the Partial Differential Equation Methods and the Wavelet Transform for the Segmentation of Multivalued Images.. Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier, 2008, Volume 23 (Number 1), p. 14-30
- Maalouf Aldo, Carré Philippe, Augereau Bertrand, Fernandez-Maloigne Christine . Cooperation of the Partial Differential Equation Methods and the Wavelet Transform for the Segmentation of Multivalued Images. . Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2008, Volume 23 (Number 1), p . 14-30 . ⟨10.1016/j.image.2007.09.002⟩