Bibliographic Citation
| - Barrier Laurie, Proust Jean-Noël, Nalpas Thierry, Robin Cécile, Guillocheau François. Control of Alluvial Sedimentation at Foreland-Basin Active Margins: A Case Study from the Northeastern Ebro Basin (Southeastern Pyrenees, Spain). Journal of Sedimentary Research, Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2010, 80 (7-8), pp.728-749. ⟨10.2110/jsr.2010.069⟩
- BarrierLaurie, ProustJean-Noël, NalpasThierry, RobinCécile, GuillocheauFrançois . Control of Alluvial Sedimentation at Foreland-Basin Active Margins: A Case Study from the Northeastern Ebro Basin (Southeastern Pyrenees, Spain) . Journal of Sedimentary Research, Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2010, 80 (7-8), pp.728-749 . ⟨10.2110/jsr.2010.069⟩