Bibliographic Citation
| - Combeau Hervé, Bellet Michel, Fautrelle Yves, Gobin Dominique, Arquis Eric, Budenkova Olga, Dussoubs Bernard, Duterrail Yves, Kumar Arvind, Mosbah Salem, Quatravaux Thibault, Rady Mohamed, Gandin Charles-André, Goyeau Benoit, Zaloznik Miha. A numerical benchmark on the prediction of macrosegregation in binary alloys. TMS 2011 - 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Feb 2011, San Diego, CA, United States. pp.755-762 - ISBN 9781118029466
- CombeauHervé, BelletMichel, FautrelleYves, GobinDominique, ArquisEric, BudenkovaOlga, DussoubsBernard, DuterrailYves, KumarArvind, MosbahSalem, QuatravauxThibault, RadyMohamed, GandinCharles-André, GoyeauBenoit, ZaloznikMiha . A numerical benchmark on the prediction of macrosegregation in binary alloys . TMS 2011 - 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Feb 2011, San Diego, CA, United States . pp.755-762 - ISBN 9781118029466