Bibliographic Citation
| - 4th European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS 2011), Jul 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Bugrova A.-I., Bishaev A.-M., Desyatskov A.-V., Kozintseva M.-V., Lipatov A.-S., Dudeck Michel, Balika Lahib, Pellerin Stéphane, Gibert Titaina, Garrigues Laurent. Experimental investigations of SPT operation on alternative to xenon gases - N2, Kr. 4th European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS 2011), Jul 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- BugrovaA.-I., BishaevA.-M., DesyatskovA.-V., KozintsevaM.-V., LipatovA.-S., DudeckMichel, BalikaLahib, PellerinStéphane, GibertTitaina, GarriguesLaurent . Experimental investigations of SPT operation on alternative to xenon gases - N2, Kr . 4th European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS 2011), Jul 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia