Bibliographic Citation
| - Martin Adrien, Boutin Jacqueline, Hauser Danièle, Reverdin Gilles, Pardé Mickaël, Zribi Mehrez, Fanise Pascal, Dechambre Monique, Morisset Simon, Tenerelli Joseph, Reul Nicolas. Carols airborne campaigns in the Gulf of Biscay: Active/passive synergy and azymuth variability. IGARSS (IEEE International Geoscience and remote Sensing Symposium) 2012, Jul 2012, Munich, Germany
- MartinAdrien, BoutinJacqueline, HauserDanièle, ReverdinGilles, PardéMickaël, ZribiMehrez, FanisePascal, DechambreMonique, MorissetSimon, TenerelliJoseph, ReulNicolas . Carols airborne campaigns in the Gulf of Biscay: Active/passive synergy and azymuth variability . IGARSS (IEEE International Geoscience and remote Sensing Symposium) 2012, Jul 2012, Munich, Germany
- Martin Adrien, Boutin Jacqueline, Hauser Danièle, Reverdin Gilles, Pardé Mickaël, Zribi Mehrez, Fanise Pascal, Dechambre Monique, Morisset Simon, Tenerelli Joseph, Reul Nicolas . Carols airborne campaigns in the Gulf of Biscay: Active/passive synergy and azymuth variability . IGARSS (IEEE International Geoscience and remote Sensing Symposium) 2012, Jul 2012, Munich, Germany