Bibliographic Citation
| - Bousquet François, Nojima Tetsuya, Houot Benjamin, Chauvel Isabelle, Chaudy Sylvie, Dupas Stéphane, Yamamoto Daisuke, Ferveur Jean-François. Expression of the desat1 gene in neural and non-neural tissues separately affect sex pheromone perception and emission in Drosophila melanogaster. The 21st Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2011, Manchester, United Kingdom
- BousquetFrançois, NojimaTetsuya, HouotBenjamin, ChauvelIsabelle, ChaudySylvie, DupasStéphane, YamamotoDaisuke, FerveurJean-François . Expression of the desat1 gene in neural and non-neural tissues separately affect sex pheromone perception and emission in Drosophila melanogaster . The 21st Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2011, Manchester, United Kingdom