Bibliographic Citation
| - BayonGermain, PonzeveraEmmanuel, EtoubleauJoël, PierreCatherine, MascleJean, BoetiusAntje . Formation of carbonate chimneys in the Mediterranean Sea linked to deep-water oxygen depletion . Nature Geoscience, Nature Publishing Group, 2013, 6, pp.755-760 . ⟨10.1038/NGEO1888⟩
- Bayon Germain, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Etoubleau Joël, Pierre Catherine, Mascle Jean, Boetius Antje. Formation of carbonate chimneys in the Mediterranean Sea linked to deep-water oxygen depletion. Nature Geoscience, 2013, 6, pp.755-760. ⟨10.1038/NGEO1888⟩