Bibliographic Citation
| - Amestoy Patrick, Boiteau Olivier, Buttari Alfredo, Joslin Guillaume, L'Excellent Jean-Yves, Sid-Lakhdar Wissam M., Weisbecker Clement, Forzan Michele, Pozza Cristian, Pellissier Valène, Perrin Rémy. Shared memory parallelism and low-rank approximation techniques applied to direct solvers in FEM simulation (regular paper). IEEE International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG), 2013, Budapest, Hungary
- Amestoy Patrick, Boiteau Olivier, Buttari Alfredo, Joslin Guillaume, L'Excellent Jean-Yves, Sid-Lakhdar Wissam M., Weisbecker Clement, Forzan Michele, Pozza Cristian, Pellissier Valène, Perrin Rémy . Shared memory parallelism and low-rank approximation techniques applied to direct solvers in FEM simulation (regular paper) . 19th IEEE International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2013), International Compumag Society (ICS) Technical Co-Sponsorship - IEEE Magnetics Society, Jun 2013, Budapest, Hungary