Bibliographic Citation
| - Guinebretière Marie Helene, Auger Sandrine, Galleron Nathalie, Contzen Matthias, De Sarrau Benoit, De Buyser Marie-Laure, Lamberet Gilles, Fagerlund Annette, Granum Per Einar, Lereclus Didier, De Vos Paul, Nguyen The Christophe, Sorokine Alexei. [i]Bacillus cytotoxicus[/i] sp. nov. is a novel thermotolerant species of the [i]Bacillus cereus[/i] Group occasionally associated with food poisoning. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Microbiology Society, 2013, 63, pp.31-40. ⟨10.1099/ijs.0.030627-0⟩