Bibliographic Citation
| - Piveteau Pascal, Desvaux Mickael, Brisse Sylvain, Briandet Romain. Exploring the diversity of listeria monocytogenes biofilm architecture by high-throughput confocal laser scanning microscopy and the predominance of the honeycomb-like morphotype. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, American Society for Microbiology, 2015, 81 (5), pp.1813-1819. ⟨10.1128/AEM.03173-14⟩
- PiveteauPascal, DesvauxMickael, BrisseSylvain, BriandetRomain . Exploring the diversity of listeria monocytogenes biofilm architecture by high-throughput confocal laser scanning microscopy and the predominance of the honeycomb-like morphotype . Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 81 (5), pp.1813-1819 . ⟨10.1128/AEM.03173-14⟩