Bibliographic Citation
| - Peugeot C., Boone A., Kergoat L., Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Grippa M., Anderson M. C., Awessou B., Cohard J.-M., Ducharne A., Eswar R., Galle S., Getirana A. C. V., Hain C. R., Mamadou O., Ottlé C., Richard A., Séguis L., Seghieri J., Sekhar M., and the ALMIP Working group. Model, satellite and ground-based estimates of evapotranspiration. A comparison in sub-humid tropical West Africa (Benin) within the framework of the ALMIP2 project. AMS, 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
- Peugeot C., Boone A., Kergoat L., Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Grippa M., Cohard J.-M., Ducharne A., Galle S., Getirana A. C. V., Ottlé C., Richard A., Séguis L., Seghieri J., Sekhar M.. Model, satellite and ground-based estimates of evapotranspiration. A comparison in sub-humid tropical West Africa (Benin) within the framework of the ALMIP2 project. AMS, 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
- Peugeot C., Boone A., Kergoat Laurent, Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Grippa Manuela, Anderson M. C., Awessou B., Cohard J.-M., Ducharne A., Eswar R., Galle S., Getirana A. C. V., Hain C. R., Mamadou O., Ottlé C., Richard A., Séguis L., Seghieri Josiane, Sekhar M., and the ALMIP Working group. Model, satellite and ground-based estimates of evapotranspiration. A comparison in sub-humid tropical West Africa (Benin) within the framework of the ALMIP2 project. AMS, 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
- Peugeot C., Boone A., Kergoat Laurent, Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Grippa Manuela, Cohard J.-M., Ducharne A., Galle S., Getirana A. C. V., Ottlé C., Richard A., Séguis L., Seghieri Josiane, Sekhar M.. Model, satellite and ground-based estimates of evapotranspiration. A comparison in sub-humid tropical West Africa (Benin) within the framework of the ALMIP2 project. AMS, 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
- PeugeotC., BooneA., KergoatLaurent, CappelaereB., DemartyJ., GrippaManuela, CohardJ.-M., DucharneA., GalleS., GetiranaA . C . V., OttléC., RichardA., SéguisL., SeghieriJosiane, SekharM. . Model, satellite and ground-based estimates of evapotranspiration . A comparison in sub-humid tropical West Africa (Benin) within the framework of the ALMIP2 project . AMS, 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region