Bibliographic Citation
| - Sabatier Pierre, Wilhelm Bruno, FICETOLA GENTILE Francesco, Poulenard Jérôme, Develle Anne-Lise, Pignol Cécile, Reyss J.L., Gielly Ludovic, Bajard Manon, Perrette Yves, Malet Emmanuel, Taberlet Pierre, Arnaud Fabien. Timescale-dependent interplays of solar and temperature forcing to explain 6kyrs of flood frequency and intensity in the western Mediterranean Alps. International Meeting of Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France
- SabatierPierre, WilhelmBruno, Ficetola GentileFrancesco, PoulenardJérôme, DevelleAnne-Lise, PignolCécile, ReyssJ.L., GiellyLudovic, BajardManon, PerretteYves, MaletEmmanuel, TaberletPierre, ArnaudFabien . Timescale-dependent interplays of solar and temperature forcing to explain 6kyrs of flood frequency and intensity in the western Mediterranean Alps . International Meeting of Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France