Bibliographic Citation
| - Béliard Sophie, Boccara Franck, Cariou Bertrand, Carrié Alain, Collet Xavier, Farnier Michel, Ferrières Jean, Krempf Michael, Peretti Noël, Rabès Jean Pierre, VALERO RENE, Vimont Alexandre, VARRET Mathilde, CHARRIERE Sybil, Bruckert Eric, Angoulvant D., Beliard S., Benlian P., Boileau C., Carreau V., Di Filippo Mathilde, Ducluzeau P., Dulong S., Durlach V., Ferrari E., Gallo A., Girardet P., Hankard R., Lalau D., Lefort B., Lemale J., Moulin P., Paillard F., Pradignac A., Pucheu Y., Saheb S., Sultan A., Tounian P., Valéro R., Vergès B., Yelnik C., Ziegler O.. High burden of recurrent cardiovascular events in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: The French Familial Hypercholesterolemia Registry. Atherosclerosis, Elsevier, 2018, 277, pp.334-340. ⟨10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.08.010⟩
- Béliard Sophie, Boccara Franck, Cariou Bertrand, Carrié Alain, Collet Xavier, Farnier Michel, Ferrières Jean, Krempf Michael, Peretti Noël, Rabès Jean Pierre, VALERO RENE, VARRET Mathilde, CHARRIERE Sybil, Bruckert Eric, Angoulvant D., Di Filippo Mathilde, Dulong S., Durlach V., Hankard R., Sultan A., Valéro R., Vergès B.. High burden of recurrent cardiovascular events in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: The French Familial Hypercholesterolemia Registry. Atherosclerosis, Elsevier, 2018, 277, pp.334-340. ⟨10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.08.010⟩
- BéliardSophie, BoccaraFranck, CariouBertrand, CarriéAlain, ColletXavier, FarnierMichel, FerrièresJean, KrempfMichael, PerettiNoël, RabèsJean Pierre, ValeroRene, VimontAlexandre, VarretMathilde, CharriereSybil, BruckertEric, AngoulvantD., BeliardS., BenlianP., BoileauC., CarreauV., Di FilippoMathilde, DucluzeauP., DulongS., DurlachV., FerrariE., GalloA., GirardetP., HankardR., LalauD., LefortB., LemaleJ., MoulinP., PaillardF., PradignacA., Pucheuy., SahebS., SultanA., TounianP., ValéroR., VergèsB., yelnikC., ZieglerO.. High burden of recurrent cardiovascular events in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: The French Familial Hypercholesterolemia Registry. Atherosclerosis, Elsevier, 2018, 277, pp.334-340. ⟨10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.08.010⟩
- Béliard Sophie, Boccara Franck, Cariou Bertrand, Carrié Alain, Collet Xavier, Farnier Michel, Ferrières Jean, Krempf Michael, Peretti Noël, Rabès Jean Pierre, Valero Rene, Varret Mathilde, Charriere Sybil, Bruckert Eric, Angoulvant D., Di Filippo Mathilde, Dulong S., Durlach V., Hankard R., Sultan A., Valéro R., Vergès B. . High burden of recurrent cardiovascular events in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: The French Familial Hypercholesterolemia Registry . Atherosclerosis, 2018, 277, pp.334-340 . ⟨10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.08.010⟩