Bibliographic Citation
| - Richard V., Loison Renaud, Gillard R., Legay H., Romier M., Martinaud J.-P., Bresciani D., Delepaux F.. Spherical mapping of the second-order phoenix cell for unbounded direct reflectarray copolar optimization. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2019, 90, pp.109-124. ⟨10.2528/PIERC18102303⟩
- Richard V., Loison Renaud, Gillard R., Legay H., Romier M., Martinaud J.-P., Bresciani D., Delepaux F.. Spherical mapping of the second-order phoenix cell for unbounded direct reflectarray copolar optimization. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, EMW Publishing, 2019, 90, pp.109-124. ⟨10.2528/PIERC18102303⟩