Bibliographic Citation
| - Berges Michaël, Léger Romain, Person Véronique, Placet Vincent, Ramasso Emmanuel, Rousseau Jérôme, Gabrion Xavier, Corn Stéphane, Fontaine Stéphane, Ienny Patrick. Effect of moisture uptake on flax-reinforced composite laminates: influence on dynamic and quasi-static properties. ECCM17 - European Conference on Composites Materials, Jun 2016, Munich, Germany
- BergesMichaël, LégerRomain, PersonVéronique, PlacetVincent, RamassoEmmanuel, RousseauJérôme, GabrionXavier, CornStéphane, FontaineStéphane, IennyPatrick . Effect of moisture uptake on flax-reinforced composite laminates: influence on dynamic and quasi-static properties . ECCM17 - European Conference on Composites Materials, Jun 2016, Munich, Germany