Bibliographic Citation
| - Lefloch Bertrand, Bachiller R., Ceccarelli C., Cernicharo J., Codella C., Fuente A., Kahane C., López-Sepulcre A., Tafalla M., Vastel C., Caux E., González-García M., Bianchi E, Gómez-Ruiz A, Holdship J., Mendoza E., Ospina-Zamudio J, Podio L., Quenard D., Roueff E., Sakai N., Viti S., Yamamoto S, Yoshida K., Favre C., Monfredini T, Quitián-Lara H, Marcelino N., Boechat-Roberty H, Cabrit S.. Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A, 2018, 477 (4), pp.4792-4809. ⟨10.1093/mnras/sty937⟩
- Lefloch Bertrand, Bachiller R., Ceccarelli C., Cernicharo J., Codella C., Fuente A., Kahane C., López-Sepulcre A., Tafalla M., Vastel C., Caux E., González-García M., Holdship J., Mendoza E., Podio L., Roueff E., Sakai N., Viti S., Yoshida K., Favre C., Marcelino N., Cabrit S.. Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A, 2018, 477 (4), pp.4792-4809. ⟨10.1093/mnras/sty937⟩
- LeflochBertrand, BachillerR., CeccarelliC., CernicharoJ., CodellaC., FuenteA., KahaneC., López-SepulcreA., TafallaM., VastelC., CauxE., González-GarcíaM., HoldshipJ., MendozaE., PodioL., RoueffE., SakaiN., VitiS., YoshidaK., FavreC., MarcelinoN., CabritS. . Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A, 2018, 477 (4), pp.4792-4809 . ⟨10.1093/mnras/sty937⟩
- LeflochBertrand, BachillerR., CeccarelliC., CernicharoJ., CodellaC., FuenteA., KahaneC., López-SepulcreA., TafallaM., VastelC., CauxE., González-GarcíaM., BianchiE, Gómez-RuizA, HoldshipJ., MendozaE., Ospina-ZamudioJ, PodioL., QuenardD., RoueffE., SakaiN., VitiS., YamamotoS, YoshidaK., FavreC., MonfrediniT, Quitián-LaraH, MarcelinoN., Boechat-RobertyH, CabritS. . Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 477 (4), pp.4792-4809 . ⟨10.1093/mnras/sty937⟩
- LeflochBertrand, BachillerR., CeccarelliC., CernicharoJ., CodellaC., FuenteA., KahaneC., López-SepulcreA., TafallaM., VastelC., CauxE., González-GarcíaM., BianchiE, Gómez-RuizA, HoldshipJ., MendozaE., Ospina-ZamudioJ, PodioL., QuenardD., RoueffE., SakaiN., VitiS., YamamotoS, YoshidaK., FavreC., MonfrediniT, Quitián-LaraH, MarcelinoN., Boechat-RobertyH, CabritS.. Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 477 (4), pp.4792-4809. ⟨10.1093/mnras/sty937⟩