Bibliographic Citation
| - Ospina-Zamudio J, Lefloch B., Favre C., Lopez-Sepulcre A., Bianchi E, Ceccarelli C., Desimone M., Bouvier M, Kahane C.. Molecules in the Cep E-mm jet: evidence for shock-driven photochemistry ?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A, 2019, 000, ⟨10.1093/mnras/stz2733⟩
- Ospina-ZamudioJ, LeflochB., FavreC., Lopez-SepulcreA., BianchiE, CeccarelliC., DesimoneM., BouvierM, KahaneC. . Molecules in the Cep E-mm jet: evidence for shock-driven photochemistry ? . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A, 2019, 000, ⟨10.1093/mnras/stz2733⟩