Bibliographic Citation
| - Lucchino Marco, Billet Anne, VERSINI Antoine, Bavireddi Harikrishna, Dasari Bhanu-Das, Debieu Sylvain, Colombeau Ludovic, Cañeque Tatiana, Wagner Alain, Masson Geraldine, Taran Frédéric, Karoyan Philippe, Delepierre Muriel, Gaillet Christine, Houdusse Anne, Britton Sébastien, Schmidt Frederic, Florent Jean-Claude, Belmont Philippe, Monchaud David, Cossy Janine, Thomas Christophe, Gautier Arnaud, Johannes Ludger, Rodriguez Raphaël. 2nd PSL Chemical Biology Symposium (2019): At the Crossroads of Chemistry and Biology. ChemBioChem, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2019, 20 (7), pp.968-973. ⟨10.1002/cbic.201900092⟩
- Billet Anne, VERSINI Antoine, Debieu Sylvain, Colombeau Ludovic, Cañeque Tatiana, Wagner Alain, Masson Geraldine, Taran Frédéric, Karoyan Philippe, Delepierre Muriel, Gaillet Christine, Houdusse Anne, Britton Sébastien, Schmidt Frederic, Florent Jean-Claude, Belmont Philippe, Monchaud David, Cossy Janine, Thomas Christophe, Johannes Ludger, Rodriguez Raphaël. 2nd PSL Chemical Biology Symposium (2019): At the Crossroads of Chemistry and Biology. ChemBioChem, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2019, 20 (7), pp.968-973. ⟨10.1002/cbic.201900092⟩
- LucchinoMarco, BilletAnne, VersiniAntoine, BavireddiHarikrishna, DasariBhanu-Das, DebieuSylvain, ColombeauLudovic, CañequeTatiana, WagnerAlain, MassonGeraldine, TaranFrédéric, KaroyanPhilippe, DelepierreMuriel, GailletChristine, HoudusseAnne, BrittonSébastien, SchmidtFrederic, FlorentJean-Claude, BelmontPhilippe, MonchaudDavid, CossyJanine, ThomasChristophe, GautierArnaud, JohannesLudger, RodriguezRaphaël . 2nd PSL Chemical Biology Symposium (2019): At the Crossroads of Chemistry and Biology . ChemBioChem, 2019, 20 (7), pp.968-973 . ⟨10.1002/cbic.201900092⟩