Bibliographic Citation
| - Latour Alizée, Grintal Barbara, Champeil-Potokar Gaëlle, Hennebelle Marie, Lavialle Monique, Dutar Patrick, Potier Brigitte, Billard Jean-Marie, Vancassel Sylvie, Denis Isabelle. Omega-3 fatty acids deficiency aggravates glutamatergic synapse and astroglial aging in the rat hippocampal CA1. Aging Cell, Wiley Open Access, 2013, 12 (1), pp.76-84. ⟨10.1111/acel.12026⟩
- Latour Alizée, Grintal Barbara, Champeil-Potokar Gaëlle, Hennebelle Marie, Lavialle Monique, Dutar Patrick, Potier Brigitte, Billard Jean-Marie, Vancassel Sylvie, Denis Isabelle. Omega-3 fatty acids deficiency aggravates glutamatergic synapse and astroglial aging in the rat hippocampal CA1. Aging Cell, 2013, 12 (1), pp.76-84. ⟨10.1111/acel.12026⟩