Bibliographic Citation
| - Mothet J., Rouaud E., Sinet P.-M., Potier B., Jouvenceau A., Dutar P., Videau C., Epelbaum J., Billard Jean-Marie. A critical role for the glial-derived neuromodulator d-serine in the age-related deficits of cellular mechanisms of learning and memory. Aging Cell, Wiley Open Access, 2006, 5 (3), pp.267-274. ⟨10.1111/j.1474-9726.2006.00216.x⟩
- Mothet J., Rouaud E., Sinet P.-M., Potier B., Jouvenceau A., Dutar P., Videau C., Epelbaum J., Billard Jean-Marie . A critical role for the glial-derived neuromodulator d-serine in the age-related deficits of cellular mechanisms of learning and memory . Aging Cell, 2006, 5 (3), pp.267-274 . ⟨10.1111/j.1474-9726.2006.00216.x⟩