Bibliographic Citation
| - Berger Thorsten, Collet Philippe, Duchien Laurence, Fogdal Thomas, Heymans Patrick, Kehrer Timo, Martinez Jabier, Mazo Raúl, Montalvillo Leticia, Salinesi Camille, Tërnava Xhevahire, Thum Thomas, Ziadi Tewfik. SPLC '19: Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A. 2019
- BergerThorsten, ColletPhilippe, DuchienLaurence, FogdalThomas, HeymansPatrick, KehrerTimo, MartinezJabier, MazoRaúl, MontalvilloLeticia, SalinesiCamille, TërnavaXhevahire, ThumThomas, ZiadiTewfik. SPLC '19: Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A. 2019