Bibliographic Citation
| - Ment Kristo, Dittmann Jason A., Astudillo-Defru Nicola, Charbonneau David, Irwin Jonathan, Bonfils Xavier, Murgas Felipe, Almenara Jose-Manuel, Forveille Thierry, Agol Eric, Ballard Sarah, Berta-Thompson Zachory K., Bouchy François, Cloutier Ryan, Delfosse Xavier, Doyon Rene, Dressing Courtney D., Esquerdo Gilbert A., Haywood Raphaëlle D., Kipping David M., Latham David W., Lovis Christophe, Newton Elisabeth R., Pepe Francesco, Rodriguez Joseph E., Santos Nuno C., Tan Thiam-Guan, Udry Stéphane, Winters Jennifer G., Wünsche Anaël, Dittmann Jason, Berta-Thompson Zachory, Dressing Courtney, Esquerdo Gilbert, Haywood Raphaëlle, Kipping David, Latham David, Newton Elisabeth, Rodriguez Joseph, Santos Nuno, Winters Jennifer. A Second Terrestrial Planet Orbiting the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 1140. Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, 2019, 157 (1), pp.32. ⟨10.3847/1538-3881/aaf1b1⟩
- Astudillo-Defru Nicola, Irwin Jonathan, Bonfils Xavier, Almenara Jose-Manuel, Forveille Thierry, Agol Eric, Bouchy François, Delfosse Xavier, Doyon Rene, Latham David W., Lovis Christophe, Pepe Francesco, Santos Nuno C., Udry Stéphane, Berta-Thompson Zachory, Haywood Raphaëlle, Santos Nuno. A Second Terrestrial Planet Orbiting the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 1140. Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, 2019, 157 (1), pp.32. ⟨10.3847/1538-3881/aaf1b1⟩
- Astudillo-Defru Nicola, Irwin Jonathan, Bonfils Xavier, Almenara Jose-Manuel, Forveille Thierry, Agol Eric, Bouchy François, Delfosse Xavier, Doyon Rene, Latham David W., Lovis Christophe, Pepe Francesco, Santos Nuno C., Udry Stéphane, Berta-Thompson Zachory, Haywood Raphaëlle, Santos Nuno. A Second Terrestrial Planet Orbiting the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 1140. The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, 2019, 157 (1), pp.32. ⟨10.3847/1538-3881/aaf1b1⟩
- Astudillo-DefruNicola, IrwinJonathan, BonfilsXavier, AlmenaraJose-Manuel, ForveilleThierry, AgolEric, BouchyFrançois, DelfosseXavier, DoyonRene, LathamDavid W., LovisChristophe, PepeFrancesco, SantosNuno C., UdryStéphane, Berta-ThompsonZachory, HaywoodRaphaëlle, SantosNuno . A Second Terrestrial Planet Orbiting the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 1140 . The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society, 2019, 157 (1), pp.32 . ⟨10.3847/1538-3881/aaf1b1⟩