Bibliographic Citation
| - Boursier J., Anty R., Vonghia L., Moal V., Vanwolleghem T., Canivet C., Michalak S., Bonnafous S., Michielsen P., Oberti F., Iannelli A., Van Gaal L., Patouraux S., Blanchet O., Verrijken A., Gual P., Rousselet M.-C., Driessen A., Hunault G., Bertrais S., Tran A., Calès P., Francque S.. Screening for therapeutic trials and treatment indication in clinical practice: MACK-3, a new blood test for the diagnosis of fibrotic NASH. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Suppl), 2018, 47 (10), pp.1387-1396. ⟨10.1111/apt.14621⟩