Bibliographic Citation
| - Krajnović Davor, Davies Roger, Naab Thorsten, Sarzi Marc, Emsellem Eric, Cappellari Michele, Serra Paolo, Scott Nicholas, Weijmans Anne-Marie, Davis Timothy, Alatalo Katherine, Blitz Leo, Bois Maxime, Bureau Martin, Bournaud Frédéric, Duc Pierre-Alain, Khochfar Sadegh, Kuntschner Harald, Morganti Raffaella, Oosterloo Tom. The ATLAS3D Project – XXIII. Angular momentum and nuclear surface brightness profiles. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A, 2013, 433 (4), pp.2812-2839. ⟨10.1093/mnras/stt905⟩
- KrajnovićDavor, KarickA., DaviesRoger, NaabThorsten, SarziMarc, EmsellemEric, CappellariMichele, SerraPaolo, de ZeeuwP., ScottNicholas, McdermidRichard, WeijmansAnne-Marie, DavisTimothy, AlataloKatherine, BlitzLeo, BoisMaxime, BureauMartin, BournaudFrédéric, CrockerAlison, DucPierre-Alain, KhochfarSadegh, KuntschnerHarald, MorgantiRaffaella, OosterlooTom, YoungLisa . The ATLAS3D Project – XXIII . Angular momentum and nuclear surface brightness profiles . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013, 433 (4), pp.2812-2839 . ⟨10.1093/mnras/stt905⟩