Bibliographic Citation
| - Paris Mathilde, Pettersson Katarina, Schubert Michael, Bertrand Stephanie, Pongratz Ingemar, Escriva Hector, Laudet Vincent. An amphioxus orthologue of the estrogen receptor that does not bind estradiol: Insights into estrogen receptor evolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology, BioMed Central, 2008, 8 (219), 20 p
- Paris Mathilde, Pettersson Katarina, Schubert Michael, Bertrand Stephanie, Pongratz Ingemar, Escriva Hector, Laudet Vincent . An amphioxus orthologue of the estrogen receptor that does not bind estradiol: Insights into estrogen receptor evolution . BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2008, 8 (219), 20 p