Bibliographic Citation
| - Delarue Ghislaine, Bernet Nathalie, Karolak Sarah, Barraud Catherine, Hanot C., Levy Yves, Baudry Emmanuelle, Lamy Isabelle. Link anthropization and presence of pollutants on a territory: example of the ponds of the Plateau de Saclay. ICCE 2019 - 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Jun 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
- DelarueGhislaine, BernetNathalie, KarolakSarah, BarraudCatherine, HanotC., LevyYves, BaudryEmmanuelle, LamyIsabelle . Link anthropization and presence of pollutants on a territory: example of the ponds of the Plateau de Saclay . ICCE 2019 - 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Jun 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece