Bibliographic Citation
| - Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures., Shima Publishing, 2009
- Morin Julie, Lavigne Franck, Bachèlery Patrick, Finizola Anthony, Villeneuve Nicolas. Insitutional and social responses to hazards related to Karthala volcano, Comoros: Part I: Analysis of the May 2006 eruptive crisis. Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures., Shima Publishing, 2009, 3 (1), pp.33--53
- MorinJulie, LavigneFranck, BachèleryPatrick, FinizolaAnthony, VilleneuveNicolas. Insitutional and social responses to hazards related to Karthala volcano, Comoros: Part I: Analysis of the May 2006 eruptive crisis. Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures., Shima Publishing, 2009, 3 (1), pp.33--53