Bibliographic Citation
| - Vila Emmanuelle, Abrahami Philippe, Al Besso Moussab, Berthon Rémi, Bradley Dan, Breniquet Catherine, Chahoud Jwana, Cucchi Thomas, Escarguel Gilles, Gourichon Lionel, Huangfu W., Helmer Daniel, Lesur Joséphine, Mashkour Marjan, Orlando Ludovic, Pompanon Francois, Bader Camille, Bouzid Sofiane, Davoudi Hossein, De Cupere Bea, Estrada Oscar, Michel Cécile, Mohaseb Azadeh, Studer Jacqueline, Vuillien Manon. EvoSheep: The Makeup of Sheep Breeds in the Ancient Near East. Antiquity Project Gallery, 2021, 95 (379), pp.e2, 1-8. ⟨10.15184/aqy.2020.247⟩