Bibliographic Citation
| - Minvielle S., Lastennet R., Denis A., Peyraube N.. Characterization of karst systems using SIc-Pco2 method coupled with PCA and frequency distribution analysis. Application to karst systems in the Vaucluse county (Southeastern France). Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer, 2015, 74 (12), pp.7593-7604. ⟨10.1007/s12665-015-4389-4⟩
- MinvielleS., LastennetR., DenisA., PeyraubeN. . Characterization of karst systems using SIc-Pco2 method coupled with PCA and frequency distribution analysis . Application to karst systems in the Vaucluse county (Southeastern France) . Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer, 2015, 74 (12), pp.7593-7604 . ⟨10.1007/s12665-015-4389-4⟩