Bibliographic Citation
| - Thiault Lauric, Jupiter Stacy, Johnson Johanna, Cinner Joshua, Jarvis Rebecca, Heron Scott, Maina Joseph, Marshall Nadine, Marshall Paul, Claudet Joachim. Harnessing the potential of vulnerability assessments for managing social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society, Resilience Alliance, 2021, 26 (2), ⟨10.5751/ES-12167-260201⟩
- Thiault Lauric, Jupiter Stacy, Johnson Johanna, Cinner Joshua, Jarvis Rebecca, Heron Scott, Maina Joseph, Marshall Nadine, Marshall Paul, Claudet Joachim. Harnessing the potential of vulnerability assessments for managing social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society, 2021, 26 (2), ⟨10.5751/ES-12167-260201⟩