Bibliographic Citation
| - Bultelle Florence, Boutet Isabelle, Devin Simon, Caza France, St-Pierre Yves, Péden Romain, Brousseau Pauline, Chan Tchi-Song Philippe, Vaudry David, Le Foll Frank, Fournier Michel, Auffret Michel, Rocher Béatrice. Molecular response of a sub-Antarctic population of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis) to a moderate thermal stress. Marine Environmental Research, Elsevier science, 2021, pp.105393. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105393⟩
- BultelleFlorence, BoutetIsabelle, DevinSimon, CazaFrance, St-Pierreyves, PédenRomain, BrousseauPauline, Chan Tchi-SongPhilippe, VaudryDavid, Le FollFrank, FournierMichel, AuffretMichel, RocherBéatrice. Molecular response of a sub-Antarctic population of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis) to a moderate thermal stress. Marine Environmental Research, Elsevier science, 2021, pp.105393. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105393⟩
- Bultelle Florence, Boutet Isabelle, Devin Simon, Caza France, St-Pierre Yves, Péden Romain, Brousseau Pauline, Chan Tchi-Song Philippe, Vaudry David, Le Foll Frank, Fournier Michel, Auffret Michel, Rocher Béatrice . Molecular response of a sub-Antarctic population of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis) to a moderate thermal stress . Marine Environmental Research, 2021, pp.105393 . ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105393⟩
- Bultelle Florence, Boutet Isabelle, Devin Simon, Caza France, St-Pierre Yves, Péden Romain, Brousseau Pauline, Chan Tchi-Song Philippe, Vaudry David, Le Foll Frank, Fournier Michel, Auffret Michel, Rocher Béatrice. Molecular response of a sub-Antarctic population of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis) to a moderate thermal stress. Marine Environmental Research, 2021, pp.105393. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105393⟩