Bibliographic Citation
| - Antichan Sylvain, Magnon-pujo Cyril. The Social Spaces of the International Government of Violence. Critique Internationale, Presses de sciences po, 2021, Le gouvernement international de la violence légitime, 2021/3 (92), pp.9-22. ⟨10.3917/crii.092.0012⟩
- AntichanSylvain, Magnon-PujoCyril. The Social Spaces of the International Government of Violence. Critique Internationale, 2021, Le gouvernement international de la violence légitime, 2021/3 (92), pp.9-22. ⟨10.3917/crii.092.0012⟩
- Antichan Sylvain, Magnon-Pujo Cyril . The Social Spaces of the International Government of Violence . Critique Internationale, 2021, Le gouvernement international de la violence légitime, 2021/3 (92), pp.9-22 . ⟨10.3917/crii.092.0012⟩