Bibliographic Citation
| - LagouttePriscillia, OudotAlexandra, DussoyerMélissa, GoncalvesVictor, GuilleminMélanie, BouchotOlivier, VandrouxDavid, BellayePierre-Simon, MoaliCatherine, GoffSandrine Vadon-Le . Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer 1 (PCPE-1) is a marker of myocardial fibrosis and impaired cardiac function in a murine model of pressure overload . 2021
- Lagoutte Priscillia, Oudot Alexandra, Dussoyer Mélissa, Goncalves Victor, Guillemin Mélanie, Bouchot Olivier, Vandroux David, Bellaye Pierre-Simon, Moali Catherine, Goff Sandrine Vadon-Le . Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer 1 (PCPE-1) is a marker of myocardial fibrosis and impaired cardiac function in a murine model of pressure overload . 2021