Bibliographic Citation
| - Pourcelot Laurent, Masson Olivier, Beguin-Leprieur Magali, Boulet Béatrice, Cagnat Xavier, De Vismes-Ott Anne, Habibi Azza, Jaegler Hugo, Wampach Christele, Dias Varela Daniele, Fleury Sandrine, Treille Frédéric, Hennequet Patricia, Métivier Jean-Michel, Cossonnet Catherine, Raynal J.-C., Noack Y.. Using the activity of naturally occurring radionuclides to identify the contribution of the Al industry to the atmosphere and plants. Applied Geochemistry, Elsevier, 2021, 131, pp.105033. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105033⟩
- PourcelotLaurent, MassonOlivier, Beguin-LeprieurMagali, BouletBéatrice, CagnatXavier, de Vismes-OttAnne, HabibiAzza, JaeglerHugo, WampachChristele, Dias VarelaDaniele, FleurySandrine, TreilleFrédéric, HennequetPatricia, MétivierJean-Michel, CossonnetCatherine, RaynalJ.-C., NoackY. . Using the activity of naturally occurring radionuclides to identify the contribution of the Al industry to the atmosphere and plants . Applied Geochemistry, 2021, 131, pp.105033 . ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105033⟩
- Pourcelot Laurent, Masson Olivier, Beguin-Leprieur Magali, Boulet Béatrice, Cagnat Xavier, de Vismes-Ott Anne, Habibi Azza, Jaegler Hugo, Wampach Christele, Dias Varela Daniele, Fleury Sandrine, Treille Frédéric, Hennequet Patricia, Métivier Jean-Michel, Cossonnet Catherine, Raynal J.-C., Noack Y. . Using the activity of naturally occurring radionuclides to identify the contribution of the Al industry to the atmosphere and plants . Applied Geochemistry, 2021, 131, pp.105033 . ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105033⟩
- Pourcelot Laurent, Masson Olivier, Beguin-Leprieur Magali, Boulet Béatrice, Cagnat Xavier, de Vismes-Ott Anne, Habibi Azza, Jaegler Hugo, Wampach Christele, Dias Varela Daniele, Fleury Sandrine, Treille Frédéric, Hennequet Patricia, Métivier Jean-Michel, Cossonnet Catherine, Raynal J.-C., Noack Y.. Using the activity of naturally occurring radionuclides to identify the contribution of the Al industry to the atmosphere and plants. Applied Geochemistry, 2021, 131, pp.105033. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105033⟩