Bibliographic Citation
| - Hakoun Vivien, Bailly-Comte Vincent, Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Ladouche B., Maréchal Jean-Christophe. Definition of new indicators for the characterization and classification of karst aquifers using discharge time series. Eurokarst 2022, Jun 2022, Malaga, Spain
- Hakoun Vivien, Bailly-Comte Vincent, Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Ladouche Bernard, Maréchal Jean-Christophe. Definition of new indicators for the characterization and classification of karst aquifers using discharge time series. Eurokarst 2022, Jun 2022, Malaga, Spain
- Hakoun Vivien, Bailly-Comte Vincent, Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Ladouche Bernard, Maréchal Jean-Christophe . Definition of new indicators for the characterization and classification of karst aquifers using discharge time series . Eurokarst 2022, Jun 2022, Malaga, Spain