Bibliographic Citation
| - BellutHugo, PorcherRaphael, VaronEmmanuelle, AsfarPierre, Le Tulzoyves, MegarbaneBruno, MathonnetArmelle, DugardAnthony, VeinsteinAnne, OuchenirKader, SiamiShidasp, ReignierJean, GalboisArnaud, CoussonJoël, PreauSébastien, BaldesiOlivier, RigaudJean‑philippe, SouweineBertrand, MissetBenoit, JacobsFrederic, DewavrinFlorent, MiraJean‑paul, BedosJean‑pierre. Comparison of prognostic factors between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic critically ill immunocompetent patients in community-acquired severe pneumococcal pneumonia: a STREPTOGENE sub-study. Annals of Intensive Care, SpringerOpen, 2021, 11 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13613-021-00936-z⟩
- Bellut Hugo, Porcher Raphael, Varon Emmanuelle, Asfar Pierre, Le Tulzo Yves, Megarbane Bruno, Mathonnet Armelle, Dugard Anthony, Veinstein Anne, Ouchenir Kader, Siami Shidasp, Reignier Jean, Galbois Arnaud, Cousson Joël, Preau Sébastien, Baldesi Olivier, Rigaud Jean‑philippe, Souweine Bertrand, Misset Benoit, Jacobs Frederic, Dewavrin Florent, Mira Jean‑paul, Bedos Jean‑pierre. Comparison of prognostic factors between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic critically ill immunocompetent patients in community-acquired severe pneumococcal pneumonia: a STREPTOGENE sub-study. Annals of Intensive Care, 2021, 11 (1), pp.148. ⟨10.1186/s13613-021-00936-z⟩
- Bellut Hugo, Porcher Raphael, Varon Emmanuelle, Asfar Pierre, Le Tulzo Yves, Megarbane Bruno, Mathonnet Armelle, Dugard Anthony, Veinstein Anne, Ouchenir Kader, Reignier Jean, Galbois Arnaud, Cousson Joël, Preau Sébastien, Baldesi Olivier, Rigaud Jean‑philippe, Souweine Bertrand, Misset Benoit, Jacobs Frederic, Dewavrin Florent, Mira Jean‑paul, Bedos Jean‑pierre. Comparison of prognostic factors between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic critically ill immunocompetent patients in community-acquired severe pneumococcal pneumonia: a STREPTOGENE sub-study. Annals of Intensive Care, 2021, 11 (1), pp.148. ⟨10.1186/s13613-021-00936-z⟩