Bibliographic Citation
| - DalsteinVéronique, TouzéAntoine, Beby-DefauxAgnès, SoussanPatrick, JacquinÉlise, BirembautPhilippe, ClavelChristine, MouginChristiane, RousseauAlexandra, Lacau Saint GuilyJean, AgiusG., AlbertS., BabinE., BadetJ., BadoualC., BaglinA., Blanc-FournierK., CassagneauE., DebryC., de RaucourtD., DieboldM., DufourX., HourseauM., LacaveR., ZalcmanE. Lechapt, LefevreM., LevillainP., MalardO., MauvaisO., MechineA., MerolJ., MirghaniH., MorinièreS., PériéS., RousselotC., SimonT.. High levels of HPV16-L1 antibody but not HPV16 DNA load or integration predict oropharyngeal patient outcome: The Papillophar study. Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Springer Verlag, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s10238-022-00796-2⟩
- Dalstein Véronique, Touzé Antoine, Beby-Defaux Agnès, Soussan Patrick, Jacquin Élise, Birembaut Philippe, Clavel Christine, Mougin Christiane, Rousseau Alexandra, Lacau Saint Guily Jean, Agius G., Albert S., Babin E., Badet J., Badoual C., Baglin A., Blanc-Fournier K., Cassagneau E., Debry C., de Raucourt D., Diebold M., Dufour X., Hourseau M., Lacave R., Zalcman E . Lechapt, Lefevre M., Levillain P., Malard O., Mauvais O., Mechine A., Merol J., Mirghani H., Morinière S., Périé S., Rousselot C., Simon T. . High levels of HPV16-L1 antibody but not HPV16 DNA load or integration predict oropharyngeal patient outcome: The Papillophar study . Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2023, 23 (1), pp.87-96 . ⟨10.1007/s10238-022-00796-2⟩