Bibliographic Citation
| - RolandA., DournesG., SucL., SachotA., DufourcqT., MouretJ.R., WilhelmL., PellegrinoAnne, OjedaH., TorregrosaL., WangX., CaponeD.L., JefferyD.W. . Varietal thiols: from vine to wine . Vine & Wine Sciences International Seminar, Oct 2022, Montpellier, France
- RolandA., DournesG., SucL., SachotA., DufourcqT., MouretJ.R., WilhelmL., PellegrinoAnne, OjedaH., TorregrosaL., WangX., CaponeD.L., JefferyD.W.. Varietal thiols: from vine to wine. Vine & Wine Sciences International Seminar, Oct 2022, Montpellier, France