Bibliographic Citation
| - Perrocheau Vanessa, Zerouki-Cottin Djoheur, MILBURN PHILIP. The requirements to provide grounds for criminal decisions in France : from the Law to practices. Empirical analysis of the grounds for French criminal trial. La Revue Juridique Themis, Universite de Montreal, Faculte de Droit, 2020, 54 (spécial), pp.[363]-414
- Perrocheau Vanessa, Zerouki-Cottin Djoheur, Milburn Philip . The requirements to provide grounds for criminal decisions in France : from the Law to practices . Empirical analysis of the grounds for French criminal trial . Revue juridique Thémis de l'Université de Montréal, 2020, 54 (spécial), pp.[363]-414