Bibliographic Citation
| - Blaising J J., Chemarin M., Chereau X., Coignet G., Degre A., Duchesneau D., El Mamouni H., Ernenwein J.-P., Fay J., Karyotakis Y., Laktineh I., Lebrun P., Martin J.-P., Perret-Gallix D., Rosier-Lees S., Sauvage G., Vivargent M.. Measurement of hadron and lepton pair production at 161 GeV $\sqrt{s}$ 172 GeV at LEP. Physics Letters B, Elsevier, 1997, 407, pp.361-376
- BlaisingJ J., ChemarinM., ChereauX., CoignetG., DegreA., DuchesneauD., El MamouniH., ErnenweinJ.-P., FayJ., KaryotakisY., LaktinehI., LebrunP., MartinJ.-P., Perret-GallixD., Rosier-LeesS., SauvageG., VivargentM. . Measurement of hadron and lepton pair production at 161 GeV $\sqrt{s}$ 172 GeV at LEP. Physics Letters B, Elsevier, 1997, 407, pp.361-376
- Blaising J J., Chemarin M., Chereau X., Coignet G., Degre A., Duchesneau D., El Mamouni H., Ernenwein J.-P., Fay J., Karyotakis Y., Laktineh I., Lebrun P., Martin J.-P., Perret-Gallix D., Rosier-Lees S., Sauvage G., Vivargent M. . Measurement of hadron and lepton pair production at 161 GeV $\sqrt{s}$ 172 GeV at LEP. Physics Letters B, 1997, 407, pp.361-376