Bibliographic Citation
| - Goldenbaum F., Chevallier M., Cohen C., Dauvergne D., Dural J., Galin J., Jacquet D., Kirsch R., Liénard E., Lott B., Morjean M., Peghaire A., Perier Y., Poizat J.-C., Prévot Geoffroy, Remillieux J., Schmaus Didier, Toulemonde M.. Direct fission lifetime measurements as a function of temperature and fission charge asymmetry. International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 36, Jan 1998, Bormio, Italy. pp.265-276
- Goldenbaum F., Chevallier M., Dauvergne D., Galin J., Jacquet D., Kirsch R., Liénard E., Lott B., Morjean M., Peghaire A., Perier Y., Poizat J.-C., Remillieux J. . Direct fission lifetime measurements as a function of temperature and fission charge asymmetry . International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 36, Jan 1998, Bormio, Italy . pp.265-276