Bibliographic Citation
| - Barabash A., Augier C., Blum D., Brudanin U., Campagne Jean-Eric, Dassie D., Egorov V., Eschbach R., Guyonnet J.L., Hubert F., Hubert P., Jullian Sophie, Kochetov O., Kisel I., Kornoukov V.N., Kovalenko V., Lalanne D., Laplanche F., Leccia F., Linck I., Longuemare C., Mauger F., Nicholson H.W., Nozdrin A., Piquemal F., Purtov O., Reyss J.-L., Scheibling F., Suhonen J., Sutton C.S., Szklarz G., Tretyak V.I., Umalov U., Vanushin I., Vareille A., Vasilyev Yu., Vylov T.S., Zerwin U.. Investigation of double beta decay of $^{82}$Se and $^{96}$Zr with tracking detector NEMO2. International Conference on Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics, May 1997, Osaka, Japan. pp.517c-522c