Bibliographic Citation
| - Siour Guillaume, Colette Augustin, Bessagnet Bertrand, COLL Isabelle, Meleux Frédérik, Menut Laurent. Bridging the scales in a eulerian air quality model to assess the impact of megacity pollution export at the regional level. 7. EGU General Assembly, May 2010, Vienne, Austria
- SiourGuillaume, ColetteAugustin, BessagnetBertrand, CollIsabelle, MeleuxFrédérik, MenutLaurent . Bridging the scales in a eulerian air quality model to assess the impact of megacity pollution export at the regional level . 7 . EGU General Assembly, May 2010, Vienne, Austria
- Siour Guillaume, Colette Augustin, Bessagnet Bertrand, Coll Isabelle, Meleux Frédérik, Menut Laurent . Bridging the scales in a eulerian air quality model to assess the impact of megacity pollution export at the regional level . 7 . EGU General Assembly, May 2010, Vienne, Austria