Bibliographic Citation
| - Bado-NillesAnne, JollySabrina, GeffardAlain, GagnaireBéatrice, CadicN., PorcherJean-Marc, SanchezWilfried, BetoulleStéphane. Modulation of immune parameters by chemical environmental pressures in wild populations of European bullhead, Cottus sp. from Vesle Basin (Champagne, France). 21. SETAC Europe annual meeting "Ecosystem protection in a sustainable world : a challenge for science and regulation", May 2011, Milan, Italy
- Bado-Nilles Anne, Jolly Sabrina, Geffard Alain, Gagnaire Béatrice, Cadic N., Porcher Jean-Marc, Sanchez Wilfried, Betoulle Stéphane. Modulation of immune parameters by chemical environmental pressures in wild populations of European bullhead, Cottus sp. from Vesle Basin (Champagne, France). 21. SETAC Europe annual meeting "Ecosystem protection in a sustainable world : a challenge for science and regulation", May 2011, Milan, Italy
- Bado-NillesAnne, JollySabrina, GeffardAlain, GagnaireBéatrice, CadicN., PorcherJean-Marc, SanchezWilfried, BetoulleStéphane . Modulation of immune parameters by chemical environmental pressures in wild populations of European bullhead, Cottus sp . from Vesle Basin (Champagne, France) . 21 . SETAC Europe annual meeting "Ecosystem protection in a sustainable world : a challenge for science and regulation", May 2011, Milan, Italy